Shuffle Tunes


What is Shuffletunes up to at the moment?


The simple answer is LOTS! We have just performed at CRJS with the young singers- which was well received and showed how much fun Shuffletunes choirs are, we have continued rehearsals and increasing our members, and continuing to build the youth choir!

As well as some fantastic singing opportunities coming up as Shuffletunes choirs; the youth choir singing in a concert in June, the adults singing in and around Fleet in the summer; we also have been very kindly invited to attend a masterclass workshop with Bob Chilcott and the Hart Choral Society. We are ever so grateful for the opportunity as it will allow us some pretty rapid progress in terms of listening and singing with one of the country's best composers, conductors and arrangers.

If you, or someone you know would like to start singing, we are the perfect place to start- why not just pop along to one of our rehearsals and try it out? You'll be amazed at what you can do...